Idea Validation: What Questions to ask Customers?

Startup Idea Validation - What to Ask Customers

In the previous article, I wrote about how you can validate your idea in less than 24 hours. That’s right! You don’t need to spend months thinking about the idea, just put it out there as soon as you can. So let’s say you actually went out of the building to talk to potential users, but what questions do you ask them? How do you do customer discovery for your product or service?

Use the following questions as framework to help your customer discovery. This framework breaks it down:

1. How big a pain?

2. How big a benefit provided?

3. How do you solve it today?

4. Pain points with existing solutions?

5. When you would/wouldn’t you use this?

6. How frequently?

7. How many would you buy?

8. What would you be willing to pay?

9. Cost of existing solutions?

10. How would this fit current workflow?

11. If you had a magic wand, what would you change?

12. Who are 2-3 other people you think we should speak with?

13. How can I help you?

14. Ask “why” (Five Whys Technique)

Did you have an interesting way to validate your idea or go through customer discovery. Let us know.

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