Top 30 Emerging Leaders Under 30

Alykhan Kara is the Founder & CEO at Shomigo.

After months of development, we are beyond thrilled to announce the first part series of coverage on the Top 30 under 30. We are truly amazed by the tremendous response we’ve received from our tech community. This year’s coverage showcases some innovators in medtech, travel, fintech, and more. Some of these young leaders are developing a compact syringe that lowers shipping costs, building alternative investing, and reshaping medical tourism.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated and extend a huge ‘thank you’ note and shoutout to our tech community for their support. This coverage would not have been possible without the support of our partners. Lastly, a big congratulations to these founders, innovators, and professionals!

Top Emerging Leaders under 30: 

Ian Speers
Alexander Gulin
Maxine Samaha
Osama Usmani
Sabena Quan
Matt Parkin
Alykhan Kara
Adham El-Khadem
Mikas Agarwal
Mariya Besedina
Jack Lau
Connor Wilson
Tanner Behrend
Alexandria Elms
Marcus Acaster
Diljot Mutti
John Goff
Nikhil Vimal
Jamie Magrill
Khalil Stemmler
Gillian Wu
Kushi Kaur
Hailey Ji
Godwin Chan
Justin Ford
Pavla Bobosikova

Ian Speers

Top 30 under 30 Ian Speers

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Pacto Medical

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I co-create and launch novel tech, programs, and policies to address overlooked public health, logistics, and emergency management challenges.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
The pursuit of health equity in this highly inequitable and unfair world has guided both my career path and education journey. I first started pursuing this goal through clinical emergency medicine. However, I felt like my actions there were only allowing patients to lift their heads above water for a short period of time, while larger broken systems, processes, and issues continued to drag them back down beneath the surface. I knew at that point that I needed to change my approach and career path, so I pivoted to public health to uncover and address those persistent systemic problems and broader issues. This specific shift was spurred and guided by one of my favorite quotes by Dr. Denis Burkitt – “to continue to treat illnesses while ignoring prevention is like a plumber mopping up a kitchen floor rather than turning off the tap in an overflowing sink”. With that mindset, I now work to find and turn off those “taps” in the world using innovative technologies, programs, and practices.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
I would imagine that people might first think of my experience and work in emergency response and management because that is what I’ve been doing for 10+ years. I initially became involved in those fields as an EMT and Search and Rescue Technician, which I continue to do on the side. After realizing that I wanted to shift away from purely clinical medicine and toward public health and healthcare management, I worked for a global health and disaster response non-profit for four years. While there, I led a variety of health system strengthening and emergency response programs with partners in 15+ countries.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
I’m fortunate that all of the organizations and people I work with are both extremely collaborative and impact-focused. This means that when things get tough, we collectively cheer each other on and support one another with our eyes on the ultimate goal we have ahead of us – improving health access and equity. When things look bleak, we also keep one another going by reflecting on successful and impactful past projects and work – proof that the work is more than worth it. The fact that I work closely with and am constantly in touch with users and project stakeholders also keeps me grounded, focused, and forging ahead because I see and hear what they are experiencing.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Whether you are designing a product, technology, program, or policy, co-design and co-creation is the best and most impactful way to go about it. If you think you know better than others or that it’s appropriate to unilaterally design a public health or healthcare solution, you need to stop immediately and reassess your approach. If you want a solution to truly be accepted, sustainable, and have the intended impact, you need to genuinely collaborate and work with and learn from the people it will impact and be used by. Innovation is and must be a team sport.

How you balance between work and life?
I certainly don’t claim to have found the right balance yet, and continue to struggle to focus on things other than work at times. That being said, my partner and I consciously work to bring more balance into our lives by keeping each other accountable and reminding one another that it’s okay and important to take time off to relax and have fun.

Favourite travel destination?
South Africa is one of my favorite places I have been fortunate enough to travel to. From the weather to the food, wildlife (especially the penguins), wine, geography, and endless list of adventurous activities, there was always something amazing to do and look at. Exploring and learning more about the complex, painful, and challenging history and present of the country while I was there was also a remarkable experience.

Alexander Gulin

Top 30 under 30 List Alexander-Gulin

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Konvi

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I provide strategic advice to Konvi, the leader in Alternative Investments in Europe. In addition to that I am also a Partner at Richmond Blackwood. I help make sure that our clients and users receive the very best – as they deserve.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I never had an individual that inspired me to take a certain career route, but after working in different Banking & Finance roles I met Eran Peer and Ioana Surdu-Bob, who made me a firm believer of what they were building is the future. Since then I never looked back.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
I get things done – no matter what.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
The goal of building the best possible business while catering to all of the needs of my Clients.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Don’t listen to anyone and learn from your own mistakes. Mistakes made by other people rarely provide the insight that are provided by your own. Your own mistakes will always make you think harder before doing anything like this again.

How you balance between work and life?
My work is my life. I take great pride in what I do and firmly believe if you do what you are passionate about that your work and life start to merge.

Favourite travel destination?
Washington D.C

Maxine Samaha

Top 30 under 30 Maxine Samaha

Linkedin URL:
Company name: The Leadership Agency

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
As the Director of Recruitment at The Leadership Agency, I help tech start-ups and mission-focused non-profits hire the best top talent.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
The inspiration to get into recruitment came from my passion to help others and build meaningful relationships. Start-ups are known for being agile and innovative — they move quickly and can get creative with recruitment, which is why I love recruiting in the start-up space specifically.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
A data-driven mindset and the ability to headhunt and source very specific skillsets

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
My amazing leadership team! I am extremely thankful to have a supportive, and motivating team to keep our morale high, and collaborate on problem solving as we face any challenges.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
A start-up is a great way to kick-start your career. If you are looking for growth potential, development, and a strong company culture, I highly suggest taking a leap into the start-up world.

How you balance between work and life?
Proactively taking time off when needed to avoid burn-out and traveling as much as possible! I worked with our leadership team to implement a 4-day work week with our organization. This has now successfully been in place for 3+ years.

Favourite travel destination?
Bali, Indonesia!

Osama Usmani

Top 30 under 30 Osama Usmani

Company name: Salubrum

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I am a student founder of Salubrum, which aims to make medical tourism safer, more affordable, and enjoyable. Currently, I work on Salubrum part-time as I am also a business student at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. I have interned twice at Deloitte, once as a Consultant and once as a Financial Analyst. More recently, I interned as a Venture Analyst for MiraclePlus (formerly Y-Combinator, China) and as a Venture Fellow for Blitzscaling Ventures.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
Originally, I was going the traditional CPA route but realized pretty quickly that I hated it. With some great advice, I transitioned into Consulting, which I enjoyed much more. After spending time at Deloitte, I felt a bit unfulfilled because every time I completed a deck, I never got to really sign it with my own name. Around this time, I was one of 60 students across Canada selected for KPMG’s Ideation Challenge, which is basically a hackathon + DECA combined. The challenge had teams composed of business students like myself, engineers, developers, and a few designers sprinkled in. Working with that team left a lasting impression on me. Not only was it during the pandemic, but I also had tons of fun and made many lasting connections. In my time as a founder rather than a consultant, I’ve found that I’m able to take much more ownership of the project and work with a variety of people, from marketing folks, engineers, designers, VCs, operators, and many more. This transition from Consultant to Founder happened when I became a Founder in Residence at the TreeFrog Accelerator. I was able to leverage my skills in a way that was both fulfilling and enjoyable.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Probably my role at Salubrum. The Salubrum logo has existed for about 2.5 years, even though I’ve worked on it on/off along with school/internships, and the idea pivoted through iteration multiple times. Salubrum has really been my muse for learning and development but also my baby in terms of time spent. I am also a huge LeBron fan and play pick-up games with friends regularly.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
I really am from the school of thought that every failure is a learning experience. Failure exists; everyone takes a loss from time to time, but real failure is when you give up. I view work as an athlete; I’m competitive but also work hard enough to make the ‘playoffs’ every year. So what if I get knocked out during the semis? I went farther than I would have gone if I hadn’t tried. I also am lucky enough to enjoy what I do, which is finding a problem, talking to potential customers, and finding a solution. Therefore, when the going gets tough, it’s usually due to outside factors, maybe an investor being flaky, a potential client being cold, or a peer having criticism. At that point, all I have to do is ground myself with the rest of my team and find stable ground, and realize that I’m fine and we’re fine.

If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Spend your youth developing your skills, and as you age, try your best to find career paths that would allow you to apply those skills in an area you care about or enjoy. And don’t be afraid to ask questions and show your ability to be hardworking and diligent. People like helping others who truly value that help.

How do you balance work and life?
Like everyone, I do find this difficult, especially since I am still a student. However, I am super lucky to have people in my life who not only work around my schedule and annoying meetings but love my work-obsessed personality. I can talk freely about my worries and joys related to work and am able to find a safe space. Relationships like this are important to me and help me find balance.

Favorite travel destination?
I went to Turkey last summer and definitely want to go back!

Sabena Quan

Top 30 under 30 Sabena Quan

Linkedin URL:
Company: Jeeves

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
The Senior Marketing Manager for North America at Jeeves, responsible for global and regional marketing strategy and execution.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
The inspiration for my career route can be traced back to my childhood. As I was growing up, I was always captivated by the creativity and impact of Super Bowl commercials. I was fascinated by how these advertisements were able to evoke strong emotions such as humour, heartache, and love while effectively tying them back to their brands. Witnessing the power of storytelling and its connection to marketing left a lasting impression on me.

Additionally, during my time as an intern at Coca-Cola, I had the opportunity to shadow the Director of Multicultural Marketing. It was through this experience that I truly understood that marketing is a delicate balance between art and science. The Director demonstrated how creativity, strategic thinking, and data-driven insights all come together to form successful marketing campaigns. This realization resonated with me as someone who enjoys utilizing both my left and right bran, and it sparked my deep interest in pursuing a career in marketing.

Overall, these two experiences helped shape my career path, which has been driven by the belief that effective marketing can not only promote brands but also create meaningful connections with audiences by harnessing the power of storytelling and strategic thinking.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
There’s a toss between three things people may know me best for: my strong work ethic, problem-solving skills, and empathy. First and foremost, I am known for my work ethic and the ability to get things done. Whether it’s meeting tight deadlines, going the extra mile to exceed expectations, or putting in the necessary time and effort to accomplish tasks, I prioritize getting the job done effectively and efficiently.

Another aspect that people often associate with me is problem-solving. I am someone who embraces challenges and is always eager to tackle difficult problems head-on. I approach problem-solving with a tenacious mindset, seeking innovative solutions, and thinking outside the box. I thrive in situations that require critical thinking, analyzing different perspectives, and finding practical and creative ways to overcome obstacles.

Lastly, my ability to empathize with others is a quality frequently recognized and probably the quality I enjoy about myself most. In my work, particularly in marketing, empathy plays a crucial role. Understanding and genuinely connecting with others is essential for creating meaningful relationships. By putting myself in the shoes of my teammates, clients, and target audience, I can better comprehend their needs, desires, and challenges, enabling me to tailor my approach and deliver more impactful results.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
There are two key factors that drive me to keep going: my personal motto of “be brave” and maintaining a mindset that everything is temporary. Since I was 17, “be brave” has been my guiding slogan in life. It serves as a constant reminder that in difficult times, it’s crucial to confront challenges head-on rather than giving in to the temptation of giving up. This mindset encourages me to push through adversity, step out of my comfort zone, and confront touch situations with a proactive and positive attitude.

Additionally, I firmly believe that everything is temporary. While things may feel overwhelming and insurmountable in the moment, reminding myself that challenging times are not permanent helps me maintain perspective and keep moving forward. This also allows me to focus on the bigger picture and recognize that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back from pursuing opportunities that may seem challenging or out of your comfort zone. Embrace the mindset that every new endeavor is a change to learn, grow, and expand your capabilities. Even if you feel unprepared in the beginning, you can acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to excel.

How do you balance between work and life?
Cultivating hobbies, interests, and a sense of purpose beyond work helps achieve that balance. Engaging in these activities outside of work not only brings joy and fulfillment but also forces me into a much-needed break from work.

I also find creating an intentional transition between work and personal life helps. My after-work ritual is taking my dog out for a walk, which helps me physically and mentally transition from the work mindset to a more relaxed and personal space.

Favourite travel destination?
My favourite travel destination would have to be Tibet. I think what made Tibet special was the perfect blend of history, spirituality, and breathtaking scenery. Visiting ancient monasteries and witnessing the devotion of the local people, while being surrounded by the vast landscapes and mountains was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Although, I will admit there was one aspect of Tibetan culture that didn’t quite suit my taste: yak butter tea. Wouldn’t recommend that!

Matt Parkin

Top 30 under 30 Matt Parkin

Linkedin URL:
Company name: MWM Consulting

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I help entrepreneurs and executives tell their stories to grow their personal brands on LinkedIn.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
A common thread in my life so far has been empowering other people to reach their full potential. From tutoring to coaching, teaching, consulting, mentoring, ghostwriting, and selling, I’ve been able to further my personal development while helping others with theirs. The concept of a portfolio career sparked my interest a few years ago, so I’m scratching my entrepreneurial itch working full-time at a startup while building my 4th venture on the side and mentoring other entrepreneurs.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Building my personal brand on LinkedIn has changed my life and is often brought up in conversation. I’ve written 400+ LinkedIn posts since 2020, sharing my entrepreneurial and talent learnings with 10,000 followers, and reaching 1.8M while encouraging others to publicly tell their story too. I frequently speak for industry associations, conferences, and schools across North America and my thought leadership has been featured in publications like, Canadian Restaurant & Foodservice News, and CanadianSME Magazine.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
I’m a big people person and get energy from meeting and learning from others. Leaning on a supportive network to bounce ideas off of each other is a driving force when I encounter roadblocks. I’ve grown so much from every setback, challenge or failure I’ve had so I’ve learned to embrace them.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
The best time to start was yesterday. The second best time is today. Don’t wait until you’re 100% confident and ready, and don’t wait for someone to give you permission. Go out there and create your own opportunities. Fail forward and learn as you go.

How you balance between work and life?
There’s a quote that says: “Who are you saying no to, so you can say yes to someone else”. This has helped me ruthlessly prioritize my time and enhance my work-life balance. I try to only spend time doing things that energize me and that I enjoy, so even when I’m “working”, it feels more like a learning opportunity rather than a chore.

Favourite travel destination?
Just finished a trip to Scandinavia and would highly recommend. Saw the beautiful fjords, explored museums and royal palaces, and hiked up Pulpit Rock from Mission Impossible!

Alykhan Kara

Top 30 under 30

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Shomigo

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I am the founder of Shomigo, a marketplace for shopping locally and sustainably online in Canada.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
My career path was largely shaped by a process of trial and error. I explored various fields and roles, learning from each experience. These explorations, successes and failures alike, ultimately led me to discover my current passion.

What’s one thing people know you best for?

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
A great team at Shomigo and our shared goal. Their support and our common vision for what we can achieve together drives us through the challenges.”

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Enjoy the journey and stay open to change. Embrace the learning opportunities that come your way, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary.

How you balance between work and life?
I am currently in the process of figuring that out as there isn’t much of a balance right now.

Favourite travel destination?

Adham El-Khadem

Top 30 under 30 Adham El-Khadem

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Venu

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
We bring people together to meet, create, and celebrate. Whether you’re on the hunt for the perfect birthday space, film set, wedding venue for your big day, or a creative loft for a team offsite, Venu gives you the keys to your cities’ best spaces. Venu makes it easier than ever to find, compare and book unique spaces for any event with a single-click. Save money when booking and make money when hosting events.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
From a very early age, exceptional and smart people got my attention and I was looking forward to becoming one of them. To be more specific, two people really inspired me and got my curiosity to know how they achieved what they did. Albert Einstein & Steve Jobs. I don’t read a lot or maybe not at all but the only books I’ve read were ten for both of these two. I was keen to understand how they observe, think, plan and execute so I spent my time reading/watching them. “Inside Steve’s brain” is a book that helped me understand the motives of Steve Jobs and how he managed to become that one in a million guy in the business sector. I can’t stop recommending this book to anyone who is starting out his business career.

In 2019, my family placed a bet on me to travel to Canada and start my entrepreneurial journey at TMU. Packing up my bags and jumping on that plane has been one of the best decisions I have ever made and one that ended up changing my life forever.

While I was doing my master in Entrepreneurship at Ryerson, I built Canada’s first delivery comprehensive search engine. This platform helped 25K monthly Canadians to save money/time when ordering food online all while supporting +400 restaurants to save $200K on hefty food delivery app fees. That was the time I realized that my investment and the roller coaster ride I’ve taken has paid off.

I studied Entrepreneurship the right way, knew how businesses are being launched, what it means to go lean and how to acquire your early customers. I was fortunate to be mentored by the best founders, EIRs and business partners in NA. From DMZ to iBoost all the way to being the student entrepreneur of the year and the first international student to make it to this round in 2021, sponsored by HSBC.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
If people can recall me with one thing, I think it would be that I am a solver by nature. Whether it’s a problem related to your life, career or business, I analyze the causes very well and work to provide solutions. During my Engineering studies, I developed the perfect problem solving and mind mapping skills. And maybe this was the most important thing I learnt. That said, I found myself solving the most complex problems in business by applying my problem solving/tech skills.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
My belief, experience & passion. I believe that if you can’t believe in what you are doing, you cannot ask anyone to believe in you or in your business. I have gone through a lot of experiences that shaped me the right way and I have also built passion for Entrepreneurship that can’t be taken away.

Aside from my business career, I faced a lot of challenges that shaped me to become stronger. I had to leave my family for almost 7 years to build my career and start in the middle of nowhere. Not once but twice. In Germany and then in Canada.

My parents and my sister play the most important role in my life. The amount of sacrifices and trust they have put in me is what keeps me going. When I think that it can’t get worse, I always recall all the hard moments in my life, compare and realize that I’ve come a long way no body can understand. And if I have made it earlier once, I can make it a hundred times again.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Believe in yourself even if nobody does believe in you. Believe that you have a unique story to tell. Why? Because you WILL fail. Success will not look like what you have in mind and is only achievable if you don’t give up as you will fail along the way. Failing is only the end if you quit. Be prepared to pivot, be comfortable with being wrong, and expect everything to fall short of your goals. Winning will come but only if you’re able to weather the beat down you’re about to get.

And focus on learning everyday. From your mistakes, from people, from the web, anything and everything should be mined for potential new information that could help you and your business. There’s this one statement that I find very accurate and heard it in an investor talk earlier. Think of your business as a vehicle. Knowledge is your map. Only by knowing exactly where you need to go and how to get there can anyone take the shortest route to their destination.

How do you balance between work and life?
If I have two things that I am passionate about in my life aside from entrepreneurship, that would be sports and travel. To balance between work and life, I am always keen to do what I am passionate about in my free time. You will either find me swimming in a pool to refresh my body in the middle of the day or traveling around every now and then to explore new things. Swimming (or exercising generally) could be a meditation to me and traveling is what really makes me happy. Here’s what I do: I cluster my circles into activities so there’s this group that travels a lot, the other one that is into outdoor activities and a third that is into social events. I try my best to rotate between those circles to balance out my social life vs quality of time.

Favorite travel destination?
I’ve been to 20+ countries and visited more than 50 cities so this would also be a hard question. My solo-travel experience in Europe has been one of the best experiences but if I have to name one favorite travel destination that would be Sinai, Egypt. This is always my go-to place.

Mikas Agarwal

Top 30 under 30 Mikas

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Akran Marketing

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
Young blood disrupting the ad specialty industry, with diversification in real estate, charity, and settling new immigrants.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
My parents have always encouraged me to follow whatever career path I wish to pursue in life, but with one condition—to be the best. From a young age, I’ve been heavily involved in their various ventures and found my interests aligning with promotional product marketing. Being such a hidden industry, I see significant growth opportunities from my Gen Z perspective!

What’s one thing people know you best for?
At this age, people know me best for my emotional maturity, strong values and ethics instilled by my parents, and my understanding of the significance of a firm handshake in building meaningful relationships.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Challenge drives me to excel. There’s no greater reward than accomplishing a challenging goal.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
If you want to be ordinary, do the ordinary. Never give up to get the results you wish to achieve.

How you balance between work and life?
It’s not easy to maintain a work-life balance, especially at this age where I juggle work, school, and personal commitments. Thankfully, my parents have taught me to follow my passions, which I believe ultimately helps to bring everything into balance.

Favourite travel destination?
I’ve been fortunate to travel to over 50 countries, and New Zealand has resonated with me the most. The stunning landscapes, close-knit communities, and overall high quality of life have amazed me. Personally, I believe, it’s the kind of place that sets the bar for everywhere else.

Mariya Besedina

Top 30 under 30 Mariya Besedina

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Motiv

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
As Motiv’s COO, I support the amazing team across our customers’ digital innovation initiatives and execute our long-term strategic roadmap.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
My career has been driven by curiosity and pursuit of knowledge. Through our work with partners and customers, it has re-enforced in me the direct impact that technology can play in amplifying human potential. Ever since, I’ve been on a path of discovering new ways that technology can transform opportunity into impact.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Never giving up. As a founder, it’s really important to have a strong sense of direction and resiliency in the pursuit.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
For myself, I’ve developed a deep-rooted understanding that every setback is a chance to learn and re-evaluate. Founding a startup isn’t just about solving today’s problems but looking ahead and shaping a better world. That is tough and there will be constant challenges along the way. Being resilient in the face of setbacks is a big part of this journey.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Don’t chase trends. The world is ever-evolving. Genuine progress happens when you’re able to discern between fads and transformative shifts. A founder’s decisions could potentially impact an entire ecosystem, not just a product. I continue to push myself and challenge our team to think big and long-term to build transformative solutions for our world.

How you balance between work and life?
For me, it’s about integration rather than balance. I’ve made an effort to integrate my values and my passions into the direction for my work. I also recognize the importance of introspection. Being able to immerse myself in different experiences and sometime stepping away from the tech world can help me gain perspective and valuable insights. I’ve found that this has really allowed me to continue growing as a founder.

Favourite travel destination?
There are so many wonderful places in the world. I appreciate the opportunity to explore and observe the beauty in the contrast of different places and cultures. This has always been a strong source of inspiration and new ideas for me. I always make sure to keep a journal with me.

Jack Lau

Top 30 under 30 Jack Lau

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Litespace

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I’m the Co-Founder and CEO at Litespace on a mission to help hybrid workers to collaborate more. I’m very excited to build the future of work and make hybrid work more productive and engaging. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, traveling, and poker.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, and I was always encouraged to follow my dreams. My parents taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, and they showed me that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
People always know me for my entrepreneurial spirit. I’ve always been working on different sizes of projects through college and even post-graduation. Some of them worked out well and some of them failed but each failure taught me something new.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
The belief of making a difference. I am motivated by the belief that I am making a difference in the world. I want to create a product or service that improves people’s lives. This belief drives me through all obstacles.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Try as many things as you want until you find your true passion. You are still young, got lots of chances to make a mistake. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes so you can find out what really motivated you every day.

How you balance between work and life?
As a startup founder, it is challenging to balance work and life, especially in the early days. You have to give the startup as much time as you can. I really enjoy and am passionate about what I am working on, so it is never really tiring. I do try to hit the gym to make sure I am healthy and recharged.

Favourite travel destination?
Vancouver, a beautiful city surrounded by mountains, forests, and the ocean.

Connor Wilson

Top 30 under 30 Connor Wilson

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Pilot

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I’m the Founder & CEO at Pilot. I lead our team in building an AI-Powered Social Travel hub to enable people to discover and share experiences together. I’m also a growth and people leader, skilled in digital marketing, growth hacking, product and people management.

What was the inspiration for your career route?|
My dad is a partner at KPMG and I always wanted to be a “big businessman” like him, but I realized that I wanted to earn it by building something of my own instead of climbing a corporate ladder laid before me and riding the past successes of others. My mother was a nurse, and she taught me that kindness and helping others was the most important thing we could do with our lives. That, combined with the confidence my dad gave me by being so successful himself, I decided I had the capacity to build something big to help the world in a meaningful way, and thus had an obligation to do so.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Giving advice. My team jokes that they’ve never had a meeting with me where I didn’t try to teach them something, usually with some deep framework-based or philosophical explanation. I’ve given talks to high school students and have mentored a lot of other young entrepreneurs. I love being able to help people early on in their careers, as it has the highest delta impact. I’m also known for my dad jokes. 🙂

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Stubbornness, personal pride, and a deep sense of responsibility towards my investors, customers and team, the people who choose to spend part of the lives working at Pilot. I’m responsible for their well-being and that’s something I take very seriously.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
That there is only one reason to be a founder, and it’s not money. It’s certainly not work-life balance, nor fame or reputation either. All of those you can likely get more easily elsewhere for far lower a personal cost and with much greater personal reward. I believe the only reason to be a founder is because you want to, and can’t see yourself doing anything but that. I equate it a bit to being a professional athlete. If you don’t absolutely love your sport, you’re going to hate those early mornings, late nights, and consistent training and grind. Personally, I love what I do, but I think a lot of people glamorize it more than they should.

How you balance between work and life?
I travel while I work as a digital nomad for as much of the year as I can. When I’m not working, I’m exploring and talking to other travellers, which helps me do my job better as well.

Favorite travel destination?
Florence, Italy has a special place in my heart, but I had the most fun in Santorini, Greece. In fact, the idea for Pilot was conceived on an ATV ride through the mountains there.

Tanner Behrend


Linkedin URL:
Company name: Edgecom Energy

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I lead Edgecom Energy’s expansion activities into new markets and also manage our grants and loans for R&D projects.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I was always proficient at science and math so engineering was a logical career path for me to pursue but as I progressed through secondary school, I became more and more interested in energy systems, sustainability and carbon emissions, which really dictated the type of companies I was interested in working for. When I stumbled upon a job posting from Edgecom Energy – a company working to help large energy consumers generate cost savings and emissions reductions with the latest tech and AI, I knew it was a perfect match given my skills and interests. 2 years later, we’ve made significant strides as a company and are on the cusp of long-term exponential growth.

What’s one thing people know you best for?

Simplifying complex ideas into easily understood concepts for different audiences.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
The potential to create a lasting positive impact on not only the industries and customers we serve but also the planet and environment as a whole.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Fail fast and fail frequently.

How you balance between work and life? Often the lines are quite blurry but it’s crucial to regularly take time to fully disconnect from work.

Favourite travel destination?

There might be a little bit of recency bias here but I’d have to say Hawaii, the big island particularly. It has something for everyone with an impressive range of activities and climates, and of course the weather and sight-seeing are both spectacular.

Alexandria Elms

Top 30 under 30 Alexandria Elms

Linkedin URL:
Company name: System-3

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I do research and product innovation for an immersive leadership simulation at an HR tech start up. I’m also doing my PhD in I/O psychology.

What was the inspiration for your career route?

My inspiration for my career route came from my summers interning in at Mars Canada Ltd, while doing my undergrad in psychology. I was fascinated by the experience of working in a corporate environment but still wanted to pursue my passion of psychology and research. This led me down the (very long but rewarding) path of studying I/O psychology in graduate school. Now, working in HR tech, I feel that I can truly bridge these interests and I have had an amazing experience bringing psychological research practices and innovation to life at System-3.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
I’d like to think my sense of humour. As I’m sure most who know me well could attest to, I tend to joke around quite a bit. I think humour is a great way to bring people together and sometimes the best thing to use when nothing is going right.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
I would say those around me – my team at System-3, my peers at school, my friends and family. I’m incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such a supportive community with people who are always there for me when I need it and who can challenge me when I need that too.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
It’s nothing profound, but I would say: don’t be afraid to try the thing you haven’t done before even if you have no idea how to do it and no clue where to start. First, you’re likely more resourceful than you know. Second, a lot of people don’t actually know what they’re doing too. Third, and most important, trying the thing you’ve never done before could be a wonderful surprise or at the very least a great lesson in what you’re good at, what you like, and what you still need to learn.

How you balance between work and life?
To be honest, I drop the ball on this often. It is a struggle working full time and doing a PhD full time and trying to be a person outside of all of that too. I think if I were to step back and think more broadly about it, I’d say it’s important to firstly know your “why” and then make sure everything you’re doing aligns (i.e., you’re juggling the right/most relevant balls). It’s also just as important to give yourself grace when you inevitably drop those balls.

Favourite travel destination?
It’s a two-way tie between Vermont (can’t beat the green mountains) and the Philippines (the beaches are unreal and because Jollibees of course).

Marcus Acaster


Company name: Nü Benefits (a division of Benefy Group Solutions)

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
More Benefits, Less Costs. Nü Benefits offers employee benefit programs and HSAs for Startups with up to 75% lower fees and commissions.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I’ll be honest, when I started in the insurance industry I wasn’t sure it was the right fit for me. Throughout university, I wanted to have a career in tech and spent my summers interning at a fast-growing Startup in Vancouver. Jumping into the insurance world was definitely a paradigm shift with the average age in the industry being close to 60. My inspiration actually came from seeing the lack of innovation in the insurance industry, and a desire to offer something new and innovative. Being able to give employers better tools to retain and reward employees has been at the core of our mission and will continue to inspire us to grow and evolve.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
When it comes to what people know me best for, I’d say it’s my unwavering passion and drive. Whether it’s diving headfirst into a new project, championing a cause I believe in, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations, my enthusiasm and drive keep me moving in the right direction. People often recognize me as the person who puts their heart and soul into everything I do, and it’s this passion that fuels my drive to make a positive impact and inspire those around me.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Having clear goals and aspirations in both business and life in general serves as a guiding light during challenging times. When faced with tough times, these objectives act as a constant reminder of the end goals I am striving to achieve, motivating me to stay focused and determined.
Regardless of the career or position, there will be good and bad days. Taking a step back and focusing on the long-term can put things back into perspective and allows me to keep moving forward toward my goals.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
If I had one piece of advice to offer to someone just starting out, it would be to prioritize building a strong support network. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who believe in your goals and dreams can make a world of difference. A supportive network not only provides encouragement during challenging times but also offers valuable insights, mentorship, and opportunities for growth. So, don’t hesitate to seek out connections, join communities related to your interests, and nurture relationships with people who genuinely want to see you succeed.

How do you balance between work and life?
I think that balancing work and life is crucial to have long-term success in both my career and personal life. To achieve this balance, I prioritize a few key strategies. First and foremost, I set clear boundaries between work and personal time. This means dedicating specific hours for work-related tasks and ensuring I disconnect from work when it’s time to focus on my personal life.

Regularly engaging in activities that help me unwind and recharge is also part of my balance strategy. Whether it’s spending quality time with family and friends, golfing, or playing team sports, these activities help me maintain a healthy perspective and reduce stress. In addition to being a great way to unwind, I have met a lot of great people and grown my network through the activities.

While achieving a perfect balance may be challenging at times, these approaches have helped me create a more harmonious and fulfilling life, where both work and personal aspects complement each other.

Favourite travel destination?
My favourite travel destination I’ve visited has to be Tokyo. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Tokyo is hard to beat when it comes to great food and the city has so much to offer from elevated 7-Elevens to Michelin Star restaurants.

Jamie Magrill

Top 30 under 30 Jamie Magrill

Company name: NeedleAID
Company website:

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
We design safe needle preparation devices like NeedleAID to eliminate needlestick injuries in healthcare, research and veterinary environments.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
From a young age, I’ve been driven by a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. My academic journey towards becoming a clinician-scientist has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the intricacies of human health and the challenges faced by healthcare and research professionals. I witnessed firsthand the risks associated with needle handling when I experienced a needlestick injury myself, while working in a research lab during my undergraduate degree. I felt driven to create a solution that would not only improve workplace safety but also alleviate the anxieties of healthcare workers, technicians and researchers who work with needles. This passion to help and protect others led me to establish DECAP, create the NeedleAID device, and champion a safer workplace environment for doctors, pharmacists, nurses, technicians, researchers and all those who need to use needles at work.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
People recognize me for my tenacity when faced with adversity. My training as a clinician-scientist has equipped me with a unique perspective, enabling me to bridge the gap between medicine, research, and entrepreneurship, as well as a responsibility to bring my skillset to bear on difficult problems in healthcare. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of healthcare regulation, overcoming challenges in product development and manufacturing, or finding ways to balance my personal and family life with a career in research and healthcare, this blend of determination and specialized knowledge, as well as plenty of support from my family and friends, has empowered me to push forward and continue innovating, even in challenging circumstances.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
What drives me, even in the toughest of times, is my desire to help people. My experiences, both personal and professional, have instilled in me a deep commitment to advance the fields of research and medicine. Whether it’s leading a start-up, spearheading innovative research, or fostering collaborations between organizations I work with, my approach is always rooted in identifying challenges and working collaboratively to address them. Every step I take, from investigating melanoma treatment responses to mentoring colleagues, is fueled by my aspiration to improve patient outcomes, advance prognostic tools, and continuously innovate for the betterment of our communities. It’s this vision of making a meaningful difference as a clinician-scientist that keeps me going, no matter how tough the journey gets.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Embrace collaboration and always remain curious. As you embark on your journey, remember that the most groundbreaking advancements often arise from bridging gaps and connecting diverse fields in unexpected ways. Surround yourself with change-makers, learn from every experience, and never shy away from challenges. They are opportunities in disguise, pushing you closer to your vision. And most importantly, let your desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives be your guiding light.

How you balance between work and life?
Achieving work-life balance is a continuous endeavour. For me, it’s about setting clear boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and cherishing moments with family, especially my wife. While I’m deeply committed to my work, I’ve come to realize that the support and love from my family are invaluable. Taking breaks to spend quality time with them not only recharges me but also grounds me, reminding me of the ‘why’ behind all my efforts. Whether it’s a simple dinner at home, a hike or an adventure in the wilderness, these moments with loved ones provide a sense of balance and perspective. It’s this blend of professional passion and personal fulfillment that keeps me centered and motivated.

Favourite travel destination?
My favourite travel destination has to be Israel. Not only is it a place of rich history and diverse culture, but it also holds a special place in my heart as I pursued my Master’s degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and met my wife there. The memories of academic pursuits, entrepreneurial drive and adventures with friends, mingled with the beautiful nature, deep-rooted traditions and ancient cultures, make Israel a destination I’ll always cherish and often return to.

Diljot Mutti


Company name: ForwardAI

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
As CTO & Co-Founder, I lead the development of ForwardAI’s technology, which empowers businesses and encourages smarter decision-making.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
The inspiration for my career stems from my deep fascination with technology and its potential to transform industries and improve people’s lives. I’ve always been drawn to trying new things and solving increasingly complex problems. As a CTO, I get to spend my workday doing things I love.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
People know me best for my expertise in breaking down complex problems into manageable and solvable pieces. I am also recognized for my communication skills, particularly in explaining complex problems clearly and understandably. I’m lucky to be able to translate technical jargon into relatable terms, which generates more effective collaboration and understanding among many different teams.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
When faced with tough challenges, what keeps me going is a combination of passion for what I do and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I believe in the power of perseverance, continuous learning, and maintaining a positive mindset. Each one is important – without perseverance, you might give up. Without continuous learning, you might fall behind. And without a positive mindset, you might not even care anymore. Keeping things positive is also important for company culture. If one person is consistently negative, it can make projects difficult.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
My advice to someone just starting out is to embrace curiosity and never stop learning. Technology evolves rapidly and it’s crucial to stay updated and adapt to changes as or even before they come. Always seek out new opportunities to expand your skills, collaborate with others, and be open to new ideas. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to growth, and never be afraid to ask questions.

How you balance between work and life?
Balancing work and life is essential for overall well-being. I practice effective time management, delegate tasks when necessary, and make time for activities that rejuvenate me, such as spending quality time with loved ones and pursuing hobbies. When it’s nice out, I’ll walk around the block and enjoy the sunshine. It’s important to unplug sometimes.

Favourite travel destination?
Choosing a favorite travel destination is difficult, but if I had to pick one, it would be the stunning landscapes and mesmerizing beauty of Maldives. I was there last year, and it was incredible. My dream “bucket list” destination would be Santorini, Greece.

John Goff

Linkedin URL:
Company name: HiredHippo

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
CTO and lead programmer at HiredHippo, I design and implement our backend systems including matching.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I got into programming because I wanted to make video games. I got so into programming that I never ended up making a game!

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Analyzing people’s problems and coming up with the most realistic solution.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Thinking about all the people relying on me to get this right.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
You never know which interaction will change your life, so 1) put yourself in a position to have more interactions, and 2) seize on the opportunities when you get given them

How do you balance between work and life?
It’s an ongoing adjustment but for me returning to the office has helped, as well as leaving my laptop at the office when I go home for the night.

Favourite travel destination?
In my adult life probably Montreal, it’s cool to see a city in Canada that still feels like it has a lot of history.

Nikhil Vimal

Top 30 under 30 Nikhil Vimal

Linkedin URL:

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I’m a Founder, AI Leader, and a Startup Fanatic! I do cool things like speak at awesome events around the US, Angel Invest in Startups in the AI field, and Advise for plenty of incredible companies as well!

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I’m actually a cancer survivor (in remission for the last 13 years), and with the impact of something like that, I wanted to pour my life into creating amazing ventures that can focus on creating a better future for everyone.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
I’m best known for a lot of my podcasts, virtual meetup groups, and other speaking engagements! My largest audience is on both LinkedIn and Instagram, where I post about the daily life of a Leader in the world of AI.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
In short, I’m fueled by my passion and love for innovation. By working hard on creating technology that can change the future, I know that every step of the way can make an impact, and putting the right time and energy in is what can make it happen.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Step out of your comfort zone and take that leap into the world of startups, tech, etc. Being risk-averse is fine, but passing up opportunities left and right is when you should take notice.

How you balance between work and life?
A couple ways! One: My calendar is always up-to-date. I keep it airtight to ensure I can keep a balance and people I work with know the cutoff time. The other thing is the discipline and the ability to say no. Sometimes, it really can just be an email instead of a meeting!

Favourite travel destination?
As of lately, it would have to be Carmel-by-the-Sea/Big Sur in Central California.

Khalil Stemmler

Company name:

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I turn junior, self-taught, and bootcamp new grad web developers struggling with imposter syndrome and overwhelm into confident crafters; I show them how to master the 80-20 of design, testing, architecture & strategy.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
The inspiration for my career route came from my experience working on a startup called the Unit of Jobs while I was in school. I was frustrated by my inability to write scalable code despite spending five years in school. This led me to realize that there was a gap in how software developers were being taught, which motivated me to figure out where schools were failing. I dedicated the next five years of my life to learning and teaching developers, which brings me to where I am now.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
People know me best for my initial blog posts on domain-driven design and writing good TypeScript code. These blog posts have helped many individuals make progress in their development skills. Additionally, I am well-known for the client-side architecture guide I wrote. However, I have now shifted my focus to teaching JavaScript developers responsibility-driven design, which involves mastering the essential aspects that truly matter. Another notable accomplishment is the book I wrote called “Solid,” although if I had to choose one thing, I’d say my domain-driven design blog posts are what I’m most recognized for.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
The main driving force that keeps me going during challenging times is the knowledge that I’m tackling a difficult problem. However, it is the community I’ve built around my work that truly motivates me. When I interact with passionate developers who are struggling and provide them with clarity and guidance, it is immensely rewarding. Having experienced similar moments in my career, where certain individuals played a pivotal role in setting me on the right path, I find great motivation in potentially being that person for someone else. Knowing that what I’m doing can have a significant impact and change lives is a powerful driving force for me.

If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?
For someone just starting out, my advice would be to think long term and focus on self-awareness. Understand your own story and master the essential skills related to your chosen field. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or starting a business, knowing yourself and committing to your role are crucial. Don’t shy away from self-reflection and always seek to improve your knowledge and skills. Developing awareness, both of yourself and others, is the foundation for success in any endeavor.

How did you balance work and life?
I try to merge my work and life by doing what I love the most and making it feel like a seamless experience. Authenticity is key, and I strive to align my passion with my work. I follow two principles to maintain balance: first, I write everything down to stay organized and focused, and second, I prioritize doing less of the things that distract me from my core work. By focusing on the activities I’m truly passionate about and minimizing distractions, I can make my work and life harmonious. However, I also value relationships that are important to me and ensure I devote time to them.

What is your favorite travel destination?
While I’m just starting to explore the world of travel, I’ve recently been enjoying Montreal and the captivating architecture in the old port area. I’ve also been intrigued by Stockholm and its fascinating architectural wonders. As I continue to delve into traveling, I look forward to discovering more incredible destinations.

Gillian Wu

Top 30 under 30 Gillian Wu

Linkedin URL:
Company name: Index Exchange

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I make apps and websites super intuitive and easy to use, while keeping in mind accessibility and business needs.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I went to school for graphic design, but after attending a hackathon, I fell in love with the world of tech. I interned at a design agency, dabbled with the startup world, explored civic tech and ended up back in the private sector more recently. My desire for growth, learning and impact drives my current career route.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
I am known for the positive energy I share with the people around me.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Not taking things personally, and holding the vision for the best version of myself. When things get tough, I always find my yoga and meditation practice helpful.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
I believe in putting yourself out there so that you can increase your chance of being lucky. That looks like saying yes to new projects, posting that blog, volunteering, getting out of your comfort zone by meeting new people, and even pitching companies on how they can improve their product.

How you balance between work and life?
It comes from knowing myself best. I create boundaries and try to partake in activities that fill my soul. For me, this looks like creating a regular workout routine, attending community events and doing some form of art like ceramics.

Favourite travel destination?
I don’t have one favourite travel destination per say, but if I had to choose, I would say I love Italy for its history and culture, and Iceland for its beautifully wild landscapes.

Kushi Kaur

Top 30 under 30 Kushi Kaur

Linkedin URL:
Company name: MangoVisa

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
At MangoVisa, I’m the go-to person helping techies find their way to Canada. It’s all about passion, tech, and making dreams come true.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
Raised in Canada and North Africa, my fascination with global movements and universal mysteries inspired me to push creative boundaries

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Taking leaps of faith. I’m that person who’ll jump first and figure out the landing on the way down.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Entrepreneurship is challenging but transformative. I like the journey, seeing challenges not as limitations but as badges of honor. It’s about making the most of what you have, without seeking external validation. The journey is the reward; the destination is a bonus.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Start with sales, the rest will follow. And hey, there are cool tools out there to help! Before you know it, investors will be the ones chasing you.

How do you balance between work and life?
It’s a dance, really. If you’re not having a blast with what you’re doing, maybe it’s time to change the tune. Remember, it’s okay to take a breather, have a laugh, and just be. Health and reflection time? Non-negotiables for me.

Favourite travel destination?
Nothing beats a cozy bonfire at my friend’s place. Oh, and Italy—magical.

Hailey Ji


Linkedin URL:
Company name: HULA

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
We build an event-based friend discovery platform to connect like-minded people over mutually interested local experiences.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
As an international student/1st Gen immigrant in U.S., it was hard to find people to do certain things with, for example that local jazz bar show or the neighborhood pop-up store, when I first moved to big cities like New York. I build HULA with a team that is also passionate about fostering meaningful connections to help people who wouldn’t meet otherwise connect over simple happiness. There’s no filter, no job pressure or anything forceful on HULA. In the long run, I want to bring together people who feel for unexpected new connections together, through different means, in places that I live in.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Organizing great parties!

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
Think about positive and bright people who are around me and reconfirm with myself that I am not alone. Also think about the accomplishments or achievements that I made, even just a little bit. It’s easy to feel “not enough” than “It’s great that I already did this and that”, but own what you have and don’t let things that you can’t control drown you.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Take some time to think and write down why you want to start your own business. What’s your end goal? Is it for the money, the fame, or self-fulfillment, or the extra good that you bring to the world? Write it down so when you are confused, frustrated and discouraged (trust me, you will, and probably one thousand times), remind yourself with why you start things off and always re-evaluate if your goals changed. If they do, it’s 1000% totally fine! It’s okay to pause, to pivot, to stop. Don’t let what others “might” think influence your own decision. It’s your business and you are in the driver seat. No one else is.

How you balance between work and life?
Set boundaries. Take Friday night and Saturday completely off. Do things that make you happy (e.g. hang out with friends, go to a new restaurant, get a nice cocktail, go run, read, etc.) Set clear boundary when and when not work. Intentionally take care of your body and your health.

Favourite travel destination?
Europe! 😀

Godwin Chan



Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
Startup Operator, Angel Investor, Content Creator.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
My non-linear career route occurred out of a desire to learn about and gain experience in as many industries as possible. I don’t actually have a specific career destination I want to reach anymore; I care more about whether or not I’m enjoying the journey.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Currently, it’s being an angel investor. I love helping early-stage founders get funding and scale their startups via growth and marketing.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
My intrinsic motivation fuels me in the good and bad times. If I believe what I’m doing is ultimately making a positive impact in the world, then I’ll persevere.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Just Start: No matter how scared or unprepared you may be, you won’t know where you’ll end up if you don’t try. I’ve found success and fulfillment through unconventional means because I dared to experiment.

How you balance between work and life?
I don’t believe in work-life balance. Work and life are the same to me, and I keep working even when I’m living life.

Favourite travel destination?
New York City: I love the hustle and bustle of the big city, as its energy is infectious for ambitious builders like myself. Honourable mentions go to London and Hong Kong as well.

Justin Ford


Linkedin URL:
Company name: Javelin Sports

Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
The Javelin app is “ for volleyball” – we help people learn, play, and compete in volleyball!

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I’m a big believer in how effective startups are at solving problems. We think there is a really big issue with how disconnected society is, and we view volleyball as one of the best ways to connect people.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Probably not giving up. We were building before 2020 and didn’t allow the pandemic to shut us down.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
At first it was conviction in what we were doing and proving that it is something people want. Now it is that things are working really well for us and we want to see how far we can take this.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Probably to de-risk it for yourself and be gradual about it initially. I just jumped in with no back up plan and no knowledge about building a startup so it was tough at first.

How you balance between work and life?
For me I’ve found that living healthy and ensuring I get some down time every day allows me to do this for the long-term.

Favourite travel destination?
I’m a big skier, so anything in The Rockies!

Pavla Bobosikova



Describe what you do in less than 140 characters.
I’m a recently exited startup founder passionate about supporting ambitious people. Currently helping launch A Billion Dreams and more.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
I grew up surrounded by entrepreneurs, so I always suspected I would end up being one myself. I moved to Toronto to study Architecture at UofT and transitioned to tech right after graduation, originally as a UX/UI Designer. After a few years of leading product at startups, the pandemic was the final push to start one myself; “if not now, when”.

What’s one thing people know you best for?
Probably my enthusiasm, and the energy and passionate with which I work on projects that I find interesting.

What drives you to keep going when it gets really tough?
The knowledge that the only way out is through, and keeping in mind the goal and the reason why I started.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Be honest to yourself about what do you enjoy doing and why are you starting. If you know the answers to these questions, it will be easier to keep going when things get hard.

How you balance between work and life?
My work and life are very integrated and I prefer it that way.

Favourite travel destination
So many! I love exploring the world and the freedom to go anywhere anytime is more important to me than any particular destination, but if I had to choose, a recent favourite is Japan.

Do you know any founders, innovators or professionals in tech that should be on our radar for the next coverage? Let us know.


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Eric Rafat

Eric Rafat is a passionate founder with expertise in startups, building high-performing teams, and growth marketing. He is a top ranked tennis player and always up for a conversation about startups and tech. Eric also writes on

All stories by : Eric Rafat